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Brampton Criminal Lawyer


Updated: Nov 8, 2021

Do I Need a Lawyer When I'm Charged with a Crime?

Lawyers aren't only essential in a courtroom. They can be beneficial at many stages of the legal process – from dealing with police to negotiating a plea deal.

Criminal lawyers Brampton at Saggi law firm are beneficial for those charged with crimes and need to go through the criminal court system.

Top Criminal Lawyer Brampton

Criminal law deals with all offenses against society, including those considered minor and major crimes such as theft and murder.

Brampton Criminal Lawyer also focuses on specific areas of criminal work such as motor vehicle offenses or drug charges.

Brampton Lawyers may provide counsel to those questioned by police, work on bail hearings, represent their client's interests at trial, and assist with sentencing if their client is found guilty.

Criminal lawyers can also help defendants prepare an appeal or handle other legal issues after reaching the initial verdict.

Does it matter which criminal lawyer I hire?

The most important thing to remember when hiring a criminal lawyer is that you need to be sure the attorney has your best interests at heart.

Many people believe that hiring a Criminal Defense Lawyer Brampton, is like buying a product, and thus they shop around for the best deal.

While finding an attorney who will work hard and provide you with quality representation is substantial, finding one who has your best interests in mind should be your primary concern.

When you are looking for the Best Criminal Lawyer In Brampton, ask yourself, "what type of criminal cases does this attorney specialize in?" You can also do an online search or check out their website to see what cases they have handled in the past.

Check out what people say about them online, or ask your friends and family members for recommendations.

What are the different types of criminal charges?

The term 'criminal charges' refers to the accusations brought against someone after committing a crime. There are two main types of criminal charges: direct and indirect criminal charges.

A direct criminal charge is when the defendant caused or committed an act against another person, place, thing, or property deemed illegal by the state.

Indirect criminal charges are when while the defendant did not knowingly commit a crime themselves, they were still held accountable for their actions.

Here are some most common types of criminal charges:

Drug-related offense:

Drug-related offenses are probably the most common type of criminal charge. People are often charged with this particular crime after doing something like possessing, consuming, or selling illegal substances.

Theft related offenses:

Theft is another common type of crime that is charged as a criminal offense. It can include anything from shoplifting to stealing money or property from someone's home.


Assault is yet another type of criminal charge that people can be found guilty of. Assault is considered any act or threat involving physical force towards someone else (including themselves).

If you are looking for a Criminal Lawyer In Brampton, call us today. We are the Top Criminal Lawyer Brampton. We can help protect your rights and ensure that you can move on with your life after the ordeal is over.

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